Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Approach of Interpretive Anthropology Research Paper

The Approach of Interpretive Anthropology - Research Paper Example It is a viewpoint that was created by Clifford Geertz as a reaction to the traditional objectivize  ethnographic position that dominated anthropology at the time, as well as calls for epistemology and writing methodologies that enable anthropologists to interpret cultures through understanding the manner in which people in a culture interpret themselves and their personal experiences. Geertz proposed that culture is a complicated collection of texts that constitute various meanings, with the meanings being comprehended by the actors and are consequently construed by anthropologists in a manner in which sections of a text are understood by literacy detractors. This is done through integrating into the analysis the contexts of the attendant, which provide the possibility of meaning for all the people involved in the interpreting. Geertz was against the widespread ethnographic practices of observations and instead supported active integration of the anthropologists in an ethnographic context. In this manner, interpretive anthropology considered Malinowski’s claims of disconnected and impartial observation that had been the approach to anthropology up to the sixties and in a remarkable twist returned ethnographic practices to the German epistemological genealogy that had been recognized by Franz Boas. Therefore, in disapproval of the standpoint taken by Malinowski in the way he describes sexual activities among the savages, Geertz suggested Boasian deep involvement in the cultural activity. Even though it is intellectually connected to the anthropology of experience suggested by Victor Turner, cognitive anthropology that was established by Steven Tyler along with symbolic anthropology by David Schneider, interpretive anthropology addressed the intellectual developments outside the context of anthropology that took part in figurations through which local structures if meaning were analyzed anthropologically.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Study report Essay Example for Free

Study report Essay The purpose of the research reported on by Hardman, Abd-Kadir Smith (2007) was to examine the instructional practices of teachers in primary schools in Nigeria. The research questions, though not explicitly stated, were to examine the type and quality of teacher-student interactions, to review the comparative extent of student and teacher participation in discourse and further to make recommendations on how primary education in Nigeria can be improved, based on these findings. The research focused on the Sub-Saharan nation of Nigeria. Initially a representation of twenty primary schools was randomly selected from among twenty Nigerian states resulting in two schools per state with an average of 45 students per school. However three states had to be excluded from the analysis resulting in 14 schools being covered in the survey. In each school the researchers focused on a Primary 6 lesson in Mathematics, English or Science. A combination of techniques was used to gather data. These involved observations, in the form of videotaped lessons and a questionnaire administered to the classroom teachers. The duration of the videotaping exercise in each school covered one lesson in each of the three subject areas. 59 teachers completed the questionnaires. To determine classroom interaction the researchers logged, from the videotape, the type of questions teachers asked and who responded and teachers’ follow-up to responses. 12 of the lessons were transcribed and linguistic analysis conducted to analyse the type of classroom discourse. Additionally the responses on the questions were compared to actual classroom practice to determine inconsistencies. The authors conclude that Nigerian primary classrooms are very teacher-centred, heavily focused on rote learning, did not offer individualized attention but entailed whole-class responses and allowed for very little student interaction. One positive of the research is that it examined instructional practices in different subject areas and across different regions because these factors can sometimes determine how teachers behave in the classroom. The major weakness with this research, I find, is that only a single lesson in each subject was video-recorded. It could very well be that the lessons were a-typical for the teacher who taught with the knowledge that the lesson was being video-taped and even for the students as well. References Hardman, F. , Abd-Kadir Smith, F. (2008). Pedagogical renewal: Improving the quality of classroom interaction in Nigerian primary schools. International Journal of Educational Development, 28, 55-69.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Country PESTEL Analysis of Nigeria

Country PESTEL Analysis of Nigeria METHODOLOGY Most scholars in various fields have pointed out several factors that they believe are responsible for why certain students chose certain career choice other than their preferred choice of career. Parental factor, peer group influence, financial status of their parents and guardian among other factors could be arguably said as the perceived factors that influence career choice of most under graduates of Nigerian origin. Hence, this work seeks to unveil and ascertain the level of influence on the aforementioned factors, putting into perspective the Nigerian factor. Contrary to the above assertion, some scholars believed that other factors could also be responsible in exerting influence on the individual in deciding which career to pursue knowing that student of Nigerian origin are collectivist in nature whilst others argue based on the job prospect and bad governmental institution set up by the Nigerian government. It is upon these arguments that the methodological chapter seeks to highlight the manner and ways in which the investigator gathered the relevant information and how the information gathered was used to answer the research question. This chapter focused on the discussion of the methods used in the cause of the investigation of this thesis. In other to determine the validity and reliability of this work, the researcher’s methodology is very crucial (Gilham, 2000; Fink, 2005; Brockopp, 2003). The word methodology is been used differently by different scholars in relationship to their chosen profession and areas of specialisation. Methodology in the area of research and investigation simply refers to those procedures employed by a researcher or investigator to uncover or reveal a set of problems; the procedures taken could be theoretical in some cases, and in other cases can also involve systematical collection and analysing of raw data. As a result, this methodological chapter will discuss its findings under the following sub headings, research design, population of the study, sampling pattern, research instrument, administration of the instrument, interviews and ethical issues as relates to the collection and use of data. RESEARCH DESIGN In the course of this research, the descriptive survey design was employed in the study. According to Amaid (2002), the descriptive survey design method of research is about collecting the ideas and data of a sample of the population targeted in the course of the investigation, so as to deduce and draw a conclusion on the population to which the sample is drawn. Surveys are often used in analysing real and concise information how it happen and when it happen. The survey design according to Cobb(2001) states that, the survey design gives the researcher the free will to other range of option within his or he disposal either through interviews, questionnaire or even through observation. The survey method can also use structured, semi structured and even unstructured questionnaire. However, it is believed that it gives the researcher a variety of options in arriving at a given solution that is called Triangulation (Descombe, 2012). This method of research allows the researcher to gather large number of information from respondent in order to infer into the population that is the main target of the study. Invariably, this method is the most suitable for this research. POPULATION OF THE STUDY The population sample involves students both male and female of the University of Bedfordshire, in the United Kingdom who are of Nigerian descent. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE The word stratified means in categories or placing items or people in various categories according to where they belong. Whilst random means a process of selection in which items of a set or population has equal probability of being chosen. In that, the stratified random technique chosen for this investigation reveals that each item selected ranging from male to female, post graduate to undergraduate and even the MBA’s all have equal probably chance of representation. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the study. The stratification was based on gender of the student (male and female) socio economic status of the parents (high and low) and age of the student. The stratified sampling technique according to Descombe (2010), has to do with equal representation according to their proportion in relationship to the number of respondent involved in the research, taking into account such vital information like the demography of the participant. AREA OF STUDY This investigation is carried out in the University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. The essence of this investigation is to ascertain the perceived factor’s that influences the career choice of Nigerian university student study in the university. SAMPLE According to Descombe (2012) sample simply means a small proportion of the entire population mapped out for study or investigation. It is believed by the researcher that, information about a field of study cannot be gotten from all the people and not everyone can be reached. Consequently, a selected few from the entire population is relied upon to infer into the remaining, hoping that what it found in that selected few can be qualitative and quantitative enough to be generalised. The total sample for this study consist of 200 students drawn from among the general population of the university of Bedfordshire that are of Nigeria origin and who are currently doing their undergraduate, post graduate and the MBA programmes respectively. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT A designed instrument titled perceived factors influencing career choice of university students was used to collect data for the study. The instrument has two sections 1 and 2. Section 1 of the instrument was designed to elicit respondent demographic data such as age, name, and state of origin. It also contains ethical statements concerning the use of data, confidentiality, and anonymity, the right to withdraw from the research and data security. Whilst section 2; of the instrument was designed to contain the perceived factors influencing career choice of university students of Nigerian origin. Also the section 2 contains a Yes or No based response and a comment box if student thinks otherwise. A follow up interview was also carried out in order to give the research both qualitative and a quantitative base, which was also described by Descombe as Triangulation or mix method (Descombe, 2010). INTERVIEWS According to Descombe (2012), this is a planned talk between two or more respondents that take place in such a way that the respondent is willing to answer questions directly from the person carrying out the interview. Notably, interviews are carried out to illicit response on certain issues of investigation. There are basically three types of pattern an interview follows and they are: Structured interview Semi structure interview Unstructured interview But for the sake of this study and investigation, the semi-structured interview was employed in order to follow up the responses given in the cause of carrying out the pilot questionnaire. SEMI STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE This is a situation where the order of questions varies according to the responses given by the respondent as the conversation flows between them. This type of interview is called semi structure because there may be some intended question the interviewer had in mind to ask but keeps his options open depending on the responses of the person being interviewed. Therefore, this piece of research seeks to carry out its interview with ten (10) participants in order to give a different view from the once answered in the questionnaire with a full recording of the excerpt. QUESIONNAIRE The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines questionnaire as a set of question printed and submitted either manually or electronically to a set of audience in order to elicit their perception on the topic of investigation. Questionnaires can be delivered on a face-to-face value or by post. According to Descombe (2010), it also involves a set of designed sheet prepared specifically to gather information that could be used in due time for analytical purposes. Therefore, the purpose of using a questionnaire in the research is to find out those perceived factors influencing career choice of Nigerian students here in the University of Bedfordshire United Kingdom. The type of questionnaire employed is a YES or NO type THE DESIGN OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE The design of the questionnaire was motivated and influenced by the topic of investigation that is geared toward investigating the perceived factors that influences career choice of University students of Nigeria. As a result, issues like what questions to ask, pattern to follow in asking the questions and the sequence to which those questions should follow were of primary concern to the researcher. Furthermore, the design seeks to meet the aim and objective toward which it is been carried out and how to possibly collate the information therein. Going by that, the questionnaire was designed to illicit the responses of the participants on the subject of investigation and to see if the designed meets and answers the hypothesis of this investigation by the use of the questionnaire. PILOTING OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE The questionnaire was piloted with a small number of participants in order to know whether the questionnaire designed would meet the targeted aim. The reason is to underscore the shortcoming and strength of the questionnaire in order to give room for amendment where necessary. The process involved in this piloting was carried out through survey monkey where participant respond online through social networks such as the Facebook and Whatsapp and through the e-mails. ETHICAL ISSUES Just like every research and investigation, the researcher faces a lot of issues as relate to been professional and they are Informed consent Data protection and security Confidentiality and privacy Anonymity Brief overview of Nigeria: PESTEL Analysis Nigeria is regarded as one of the most populous countries in the world. It is situated on the western part of Africa with a population of 173.6 million people. Owing to that, there is a prospect for Nigeria to develop in all spheres of life both human and material wise. This work will base its explanation of all the factors mentioned above using the PESTLE analysis. Although, different theories could be used in relation to career and choice but the PESTLE embraces the entire dimension explained so far. The word PESTEL stand for political, economic, sociological, technical, environmental and legal factor of both the macro and the micro society that the students find themselves, which in one way or the other affects the decision of students in pursuit of their careers. (P)OLITICAL SYSTEM This mostly has to do with the governmental decisions of a country. The political culture of a country can influence the decision of career choices of students in that particular country. Over the years governments in most African countries own all higher places of learning and therefore, control the tuition fees and the appointment of lecturers and staffs. Thus, the decisions of government directly or indirectly affect how a student thinks and acts because most students will for the sake of convenience want to attend a university where the tuition fees is quite affordable. The Nigerian constitution of 1999 places the direct control of all public schools in the hand of the government (the constitution of Nigeria, 1999). The educational value index is 0.457 when compared to the US which is 0.939. School leaving age of Nigerian is 9.0 while the mean year for adult is averaged at 25 years thus making it 6334 educational system. The graph above shows the structure of Education in Nigeria; the 6-3-3-4 Educational System. Six years in primary school, three years in junior secondary, three years in senior secondary and four years in the University or polytechnics. (E)CONOMIC SYSTEM The living condition of the people also accounts for why students choose one career over the other. In a country like Nigeria where the social stratification places more gap between the poor and the rich and the average living condition of the people is below one dollar per day, it is believed that the poor will send their children to schools, which they can afford the tuition fees and the rich will do the same (Ekins, 2003; Lizt and Quij, 2004). Human capital development is a key factor in the growth and development of a country Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Nigeria has been improving her Human Development Index (HDI) since its inception to civil rule in 1999. The HDI is regarded as an important element for a nations wealth because it influences all round development of the country especially in areas such as, technology, skilled labored, computer expertise and machines. These developments are seen as important especially if the quality of life and production needs to be improved. Nigeria is ranked at the bottom among 187 countries which 0.487(156 values). Nigeria has a low level of HDI as compared to other countries in the sub region. They are branding of the Nigeria Economy leads to the Gross Domestic Product increase over the years and this has led to the diversification of the economy thereby making Nigeria the largest Africa economy surpassing South Africa. This trend has given rise to students seeking for employment and taking up career choice that they do not have the right aptitude and desire for. The improvement could be seen in the non oil sector of the economy given a GDP of 5.4 percent and 7.8 percent for the year 2011 to 2014. The graph above shows the GDP of Nigeria from 2004 up to the year 2015 showing the projected increase in the gross domestic product of the country. The graph above shows the GDP of Nigeria from 2004 up to the year 2015 showing the projected increase in the gross domestic product of the country. (S)OCIAL SYSTEM This involves all the interactions in the environment putting more emphasis on factors such as the demographic conditions of the actor in the system, their cultural orientation, choice of career and even the dynamism of the population. According to Hofstede (2010), every society has five cultural effect and these issues affect most decision we make depending on our societal values. The following are what he used to describe every society and they are: Power distance. Individuality vs Collectivism. Uncertainty avoidance. Masculinity vs Feminism. Pragmatic vs Normatic These are the five dimension of hofstede(2010). Figure 4. The diagram above shows a comparative view of Nigerian and the United Kingdom cultural setups. As discussed above, it shows the level at which those factors influence the individual in that society. POWER DISTANCE Nigeria scores very high (80%) in power distance as compared to the United Kingdom (35%). This shows that, there is a flow of power from the top to the bottom and people (students) take directive right from the top. It is expected that most students in such countries like Nigeria will pay attention to their parents, guardians, teachers, and even their boss in the office; therefore they tend to influence them positively or negatively in regards to their choice of career. Whilst in the United Kingdom there is a level play ground between parents, guardian, teachers, and even at place of work, such that students are free to make career decisions. LONG TERM ORIENTATION In Nigeria, most people take up careers that have the immediate benefit to their needs due to the poverty level of people in the country; thus they pursue those jobs with big packages so as to be able to fend for their immediate and extended family. Arguably, the Nigerian society is a collectivist society and that makes one to look after the large family; such responsibility influences the choice of career of most students from Nigeria. On the other hand, the students from the United Kingdom take up courses because they have the right aptitude and motivation for that particular course and profession and this is due to the fact that they are individualist in nature meaning that, they do not have pressure from family and friends. (T)ECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR The advent of technology in the country has brought about many hopes and aspirations for most students in the country. The social media has really added flavor to how things are done in the universities. Firstly, most of the students from low socio economic background and students that are engaged in one form of business or the other can key into online universities. Many institutions abroad have enlarged the prospect of students seeking admission into place of higher learning without adequate funds to finance their studies, in that, students from Nigeria are now benefiting from such opportunities because students are mostly influences by their aptitude and belief. Secondly, the advent of technology creates room for ideas to be shared across the world with ease. They tap into things happening in other institutions and universities in the world knowing that they are the future leaders. During General Olusegun Obasanjo’s led government; he encouraged and gave the private sector green light to grow economically in other to ease the burden on the government. This led to various reforms in the country including the Economic reform. Year 2000 saw the government privatisation program showing great sign of real progress thereby making fresh graduates from Universities benefit from the diversification of the economy. With Government having key control of most affairs of the states, the Telecommunication sector has proven a success especially with the introduction of GSM telecommunication in 2001 thus encouraging investments. (E)NVIRONMENTAL FACTOR Most students are kin about what the environment hold for them and with many universities keying into vision 2020. Students tend to pursue careers that will enhance their productivity in the environment. With hundreds of ethnic nationalities holding stakes and wanting clarity on what the Nigerian state holds for them, especially when given the predominance of the three major ethnic groups. This is always a big challenge to students who intend to take up certain choice of careers; thus, it is difficult identifying common goal and aspiration of students based on their career preference either as a group, individual or even sectional interest. Nigerian environment is distinctly divided into two, while the majority of population in the northern Nigerian is Muslims, those in the southern part of Nigeria are Christians with religious and traditional barrier hindering the choice of career of students from these areas, in that, they are mostly influenced by those environmental factors within and outside the society.(kuku,2012). (L)EGAL FACTOR The kind of laws operating in a particular country can hinder the prospect of students. Legislations and policies of government can also influence the effectiveness of students. For instance, in a country where Islamic laws prohibit students from taking some sets of professional job or career, it might not only affect the growth of that country but it will as well influence their choice of career.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analyse The Streingths and Weaknesses Of The Boston Matrix As An Aid T

In this essay I will look at the strengths and weaknesses of using the Boston Matrix to help make decisions in business. I will first briefly explain the Boston Matrix and then analyse its effectiveness as an aid to making a marketing strategy. Like Ansoff's matrix, the Boston Matrix is a well known tool for marketing managers. It was developed by the large US consulting group and is a way that a business can compare all of its products. The two aspects it looks at are market share (relative to that of competitors) and market growth. To use it you would look at all of your products and sort them into 4 categories, stars (products with a high market growth and a high market share), cash cows (high market share in a market with little growth), problem children/question marks (low market share in a growing market) and dogs (low market share in a market with no growth). There needs to be an equilibrium of the different types in your product portfolio. Never have any dogs, but try and keep the same amount of the other 3 types. This means that funds can be evenly distributed between the 3, money generated from cash cows needs to be spent turning problem children into stars, which will eventually become cash cows, and the cycle continues. Some problem children will become dogs, and money from cash cows m ay also have to be spent compensating for these failures. The Boston Matrix is commonly used to try and help plan the future of a company as well as simply categorising products. Bu...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Urbanism and Architecture

â€Å"Dwelling is the combination of architecture and urbanism† Brooding, as a topographic point to populate, can be a house, a level, an flat or other topographic point of abode. It is a topographic point where human spent of most of their clip while indoor. The construct of home has been changed over the last 100s old ages, in that period, the many brooding edifice in different topographic point of the universe represent an alone local civilization with different inside, exterior, construction, etc. However, in modern yearss, most of these symbols and architectural manners had already disappeared, brooding edifices on this planet all blend into one manner – Urbanism. It becomes more of an urban infinites, a topographic point offers convenience and remainder alternatively of an art merchandise within its alone architectural manner. Remmert Koolhaas was born in 1944 in Rotterdam, one of the greatest modernism architecture in the universe. In early old ages he was a newsman and scriptwriter. After analyzing architecture between 1968 and 1972 in AASchoolArchitecture, and in Cornell University, with Zaha Hadid, Elia Zenghelis they established OMA. During his architecture life his celebrated plants include Villa of Bordeaux, CCTV Headquarters in Beijing and Seattle Central Library in USA etc. In 2000, He acquired the Pritzker Architecture Price. His plants are to a great extent based on surrealism combined with neoplasticism. Furthermore he adds the alone characteristic of the environment and society into building’s form and construction in order to show different thoughts and ideas from human. Doroteo arango of Bordeaux is a perfect illustration demoing Rem’s manner home, uniting urbanism’s convenience and engineering and beauties of the architecture. â€Å"Now we are left with a universe without urbanism, merely architecture, of all time more architecture.† In the book â€Å"S, M, L, XL† , â€Å"What of all time happened to urbanism† , Rem Koolhaas suggests thatâ€Å"Now we are left with a universe without urbanism, merely architecture, of all time more architecture.†( S,M,L,Forty, Rem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp. 967 ). Of class urbanism still exist today, but the urbanism we have is the one different to what Rem Koolhaas described, it is the one impact by the modernisation, it is a failure of urbanism. Nowadays urban spread outing so speedy with the negative impact from 20Thursdaycentury’s modern motion, in the past decennaries planetary economic system and fiscal growing are easy destructing traditional urban and its quality. This leads to the urban today where metropolis is the signifier of citizen’s present demands as Rem described as â€Å"Exile to the practical world† . ( S, M, L, XL Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau, 1995, pp. 967 ) When designers planing metropoliss, edifices or landscapes, exce ssively many things that can non be controlled. Therefore architecture is necessary or even indispensable for new urbanism. Rem suggests several points for the ideal ‘new urbanism’ should â€Å"no longer be concerned with the arrangement†¦ no longer take for stable configurations†¦ denying boundaries†¦ detecting hybrids†¦reinvention of psychological space†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( S,M,L,FortyRem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp. 969-971 ). In Bordeaux, an old twosome wanted a new house after the hubby experienced a auto accident and has to pass the remainder of his live on the wheelchair. Rem was the interior decorator. Sing husband’s incommodiousness, an lift was added to the house as a representation of the urbanism, and turns into his personal universe where he can happen the sense belonging. In the Villa he made the lift a movable floor slab. Elevator moves among belowground floor, land floor and comparatively enclosed first floor, beside is a wall vertically through the full edifice, with all husband’s personal material, the agreement isR.Koolhaas/OMA, Lemoine house, Floirac, near Bordeaux, 1994-98, I n coaction with Ove Arup. Preliminary study no longer a concern. While it is traveling, this lift becomes husband’s personal topographic point and an independent infinite in the edifice. This becomes a type of urbanism’s â€Å"reinvention of psychological space† , denying boundaries of the floor. To husband’s point of position, the edifice is no longer separated as three different floors but as one structural infinite. Furthermore, this Villa characteristic of loanblend of new urbanism by utilizing different kinds of stuff is different parts of the edifice. Building was located on the top of the hill, surrounded with peaceable grass land and shrub. Therefore the land floor and first floor was chiefly built by glass wall so that individual unrecorded inside the Villa can hold the great position of Bordeaux metropolis. Above the glass wall is the sleeping room made by concrete, appear as a heavy box drifting in the air finding a certain solution for layout of the edifice and quality of the infinite. H owever, glass wall can non afford the weight of the concrete slab, Rem use a particular construction to work out the job: A steel portal and a hollow piloti with a big diameter in strengthened concrete, reminiscent of the 1s in the undertaking for Agadir. To present a farther, decisive grade of ocular instability. ( Roberto Gargiani, 2008, pp. 212 ) . On the top of the concrete piloti is a long glistening chromium steel steel construction with the big concrete box on one side, on the other side is a big over-hanged concrete block buried in the terrace garden, accomplishing equilibrium and do the top concrete box seems to drift even more vividly. This engineering is connected with the tradition launched by ledoux with the house pended. The perfect combination and loanblend of glass wall and concrete wall construction once more express Rem’s ideal urbanism. Thyminehe over-hanged concrete block buried in the terrace garden. â€Å"Alternatively of implementingcoexistence, Bigness depends on governments of freedom, the assembly of maximal difference.† It sounds impossible for an designer or even designers to command a big thing like skyscraper, big landscape or even a metropolis. When the modernised urbanism meets architecture, the job of the big occurs. â€Å"Beyond a certain graduated table, architecture acquires the belongingss of Bigness.†( S,M,L,FortyRem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp.494-516 ). Nowadays, between modernisations which is what citizens need and get, and architecture which is the art of the edifice, urbanism take what citizens need and this is when architecture start to fall. Art and beauty of architecture is useless against urbanism. However, largeness is a solution, â€Å"it is the 1 architecture that can last, even exploit† .( S,M,L,FortyRem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp.494-516 ). Just like what Rem said, Bigness is the solution or possibly the lone solution for urbanism and architecture’s assembly. â€Å"Instead of implementing coexistence, largeness depends on governments of freedom, the assembly of maximal difference.† Suggests Rem’s thought: by utilizing largeness, freedom and big infinite to unite architecture and urbanism. Evoke the thought of largeness is to offer everyone unrecorded under urbanism maximal infinite, freedom and privateness. There are several utilizations of the largeness and in Rem’s residential work – Villa of Bordeaux, such as lift. In the theory of largeness: â€Å"The lift – with its possible to set up mechanical instead than architectural connection.†( S,M,L,FortyRem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp.494-516 ) .The art of architecture become useless in the big size edifice. To avoid this Rem turn the traditional lift into a movable elephantine floor slab. Alternatively making a individual room for the hubby, this lift makes the all three floor as a infinite for hubby, remain the engineering of largeness and the ‘art’ of architecture at the same clip. The R.Koolhaas/OMA, Villa Lemoine, Floirac, near Bordeaux, 1994-98, in coaction with Ove Arup. Tocopherollevator-living room with the nomadic platform. lift can travel from opening public life room to private sleeping room, gives him adequate infinite but at the same clip – governments of freedom. Another illustration is the Glass wall under the concrete box sleeping room. With a brief expression from exterior, the edifice looks like typical modernised urbanism type house. However the comparing of the top concrete close up type bed room and opening land floor with glass wall surrounded represent the assemble of two different constructs and thoughts. This Villa has more than 400 meters square land and three floors. The big infinite combined with glass wall enlarge the sense of freedom and â€Å"The apparent failure of the urban offers an exceeding chance† Modernization to a great extent impact on urbanism on the negative side. Within globalisation in urbanism, brooding constructing all over the universe are going more and more similar, some alone characteristic are diminishing. More edifices portion same construction, same form and same manner. These took the original ‘urbanism’ off from the metropolis, alternatively, urban become a grave topographic point full of steel framed edifice. This is the where Rem Koolhaas pointed out that â€Å"In a landscape of increasing expedience and impermanency, urbanism no longer is or has to be the most solemn of our determination ; urbanism can be lighten up, go a Gay Science – Lite Urbanism.†( S,M,L,FortyRem Koolhaas,Bruce Mau, 1995, pp.961-971 ). In modern yearss, under the fail urbanism, the new environment of urban is no longer a series topographic point for life but a topographic point where people can happen themselves belong to, a topographic point that non merely convey them convenience and comfort, but besides a simple topographic point where they find enjoy to remain, where they can happen felicity and attention. R.Koolhaas/OMA, Villa Lemoine, Flo-rac, near Bordeaux, 1994-98, in col-aboration with Ove Arup.Intermediate & A ; high-level programs ; cross subdivision In that instance, Villa of Bordeaux can be the representation of ‘Lite urbanism’ , constructing itself was a merchandise of urbanism, offer people who live inside a topographic point to rest, lift offer hubby who has to pass his life on wheel chair convenience, On the wall of the natation box, several holes with different tallness enable people at different degree to look at the position outside. Furthermore about urbanism, house was locate on the top of the hill surrounded with no other edifice but rather grass land and shrubs, different from the normal home edifice locate in the metropolis. Evokes an thought of the proprietor of the edifice who wants to take root of this topographic point and live in privacy. Without the crowd and noise, Villa of Bordeaux becomes a representation of â€Å"Lite Urbanism† . Although the failure of the urbanism brings negative effects to metropoliss, still Rem Koolhaas treats it as an chance at the same clip and he designed tonss o f astonishing architectural edifices such as Villa of Bordeaux. Rem Koolhaas, 1996. Rem Koolhaas: Conversations with Students ( Architecture at Rice ) . 1 Edition. Princeton Architectural Press. Roberto Gargiani, 2008. Rem Koolhaas/OMA ( Essays in Architecture ) . 1 Edition. Rouledge hypertext transfer protocol: //

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Changing Perspectives

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; â€Å"Changing one’s perspective can be confronting and enriching. † The Encarta Concise English Dictionary defines perspective as â€Å"A particular evaluation of a situation or facts, especially from one person’s point of view. † This perspective is shaped by events in a person’s life. These may be decisions they make, or knowledge and change thrust upon them. No matter which circumstances that cause his change in perspective, the effect will be a growth of character in the person. A change in perspective is therefore a change in a person’s evaluation of a situation.The effect of this change can be confronting or enriching to a person. Change in perspective can impact on a person in one of three ways, attitudinally, intellectually and emotionally. By analysing th e film, Looking For Alibrandi and my other related text, The Road Not Taken I will show how changing one’s perspective can be both confronting and enriching. The film, Looking for Alibrandi by Katie Woods is a ildungsroman, which explores changing perspectives in the life of the protagonist Josephine Alibrandi. The events which occur in the film, give an insight into Josie’s life and create a change of perspective on her plight in the film. The Director uses a variety of film techniques to present this change of perspective and growth of character. Josie is presented as a character who is conflicted in her situation. She is a fatherless child in a highly patriarchal society and rejects and freely clashes with her Italian culture and heritage. In the first scene of the film a sepia wash is used, butJosie is presented in bright colour. This shows her character in conflict with the world surrounding her. She furthers this notion in a voiceover where she says â€Å"this m ay be where I am from, but do I really belong here? † This emphasises the difference between Josie’s concept of herself and her place in the world. The voice over positions the audience to sympathise with Josie’s situation. Josie has a confronting change of perspective when she discovers that her father Michael Andretti, has come back from Adelaide and she is faced with meeting him for the first time. In this scene the slow racking of the camera in to frame the faces of Josie and her mother, emphasises the gravity of Michael’s reappearance and how possibly explosive this could be. Josie has another confronting change of perspective when John Barton, the boy that she likes, commits suicide. Josie questions how she can possibly continue when John, who seemingly had everything, felt he had to end his own life.When Josie tears up the note he gave her and throws it out the window, this gesture is coupled with the use of the mournful non-diagetic music â€Å"wi th or without you†, to symbolise her loss of nnocence, perspective and understanding. â€Å"Why can’t anyone see, if John Barton couldn’t be alright, no-ones going to be alright? † This heartfelt questioning by Josie further demonstrates the depth of her confusion and struggle with her perception of her situation in life. Josie is enriched by her final change of perspective when she accepts who she is despite her faults and embraces her Italian heritage. This is symbolised by how she invites her boyfriend and friends to celebrate â€Å"tomato day† with herself and her family. And also by her choice to enjoy the song Tintarella deLuna, instead of changing as she had prior to her change in perspective. In the credits this song changes to a punk version which highlights the generational and cultural change. The words stay the same, but the tune changes, this is a conflation of culture. The final line of dialogue in the movie, a voiceover delivered by J osie, demonstrates just how comfortable she now is, with her life when she declares; â€Å"I am Christina and Michael’s daughter and Katia’s granddaughter. We’re not cursed, we’re blessed. † The poem The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost is an extended metaphor for the choices we make in life.The poem consists of four stanzas and follows a rhyming pattern, except for the last stanza, which puts an emphasis on the first line. In the first stanza the composer describes how he is faced with two choices or roads, and that he would like to travel both, but he knows he cannot do this. So he tries to see down each road to decide on his path. The second stanza shows the struggle of choosing between two similar paths. The man in the poem chooses one path. In the third stanza he stipulates that neither path has been followed recently, and that one day he would ike to come back and travel the other road, however due to the way in life that one thing leads to an other, he doubted he would. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.In this final stanza, because of the line â€Å"ages and ages hence† we must realise that we cannot assign meaning to the words sigh and difference, because the speaker himself cannot know how his choice will affect his future until he has lived it. The ambiguity of the sigh furthers the point that e is unsure where his choice will take him. It is this ambiguity which makes the poem far more complex. This poem does not moralize about choice; it simply says that choice is inevitable and that you never understand how your choice will affect you, until you have lived it. Changes in perspective are shaped by events in a person’s life. These may be decisions they make, or knowledge and change is thrust upon them. One thing is certain, whether the change is confronting or enr iching, we will always have some regrets and wish for the best of both outcomes. But it is these perspectives that shape who we are.

Free Essays on Revolution And The Cicil War

The Revolution and the Civil War In 1775, American colonists took arms against British rule, thus leading to the American Revolution and the end of British control over the thirteen colonies. This was done because the American colonists became disenchanted with British laws. More specifically, they were unhappy with British taxes. The American colonists and the British had just defeated the French in the middle of the 1700s in the French and Indian war. However, after the war was over, the British tried to strengthen its control over the American colonies and increase the power of the British Empire. The British also believed that the colonies should pay back the money associated with fighting the war. People were angered when the Sugar Act of 1764, the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act were passed. 1 The Sugar Act and the Stamp Act imposed taxes on the colonists. The Quartering Act demanded that colonists take in British troops who needed housing. 2 The British also imposed a series of acts that would give Britain an economic power hold over the colonies. The taxes would help fund Britain and empower its navy. Furthermore, in 1651 and 1660, Navigation Acts kept other foreigners from trading with the American colonies. Exports like sugar, apples, wool, indigo and tobacco were also limited. Colonists only allowed to send those goods to Britain or the British Isles. Although the colonist participation was held to a minimum, they had learned a powerful lesson from the French and Indian War. They realized that they could fight and win. They learned that they did possess some power. But although the colonists started in good ties with the British, they would soon realize that there were numerous differences between these two powers. Colonists began to boycott British goods to assert their power. However, two events further ignited relations between the colonists and the British. The Boston Massacre, in which five colonists were killed... Free Essays on Revolution And The Cicil War Free Essays on Revolution And The Cicil War The Revolution and the Civil War In 1775, American colonists took arms against British rule, thus leading to the American Revolution and the end of British control over the thirteen colonies. This was done because the American colonists became disenchanted with British laws. More specifically, they were unhappy with British taxes. The American colonists and the British had just defeated the French in the middle of the 1700s in the French and Indian war. However, after the war was over, the British tried to strengthen its control over the American colonies and increase the power of the British Empire. The British also believed that the colonies should pay back the money associated with fighting the war. People were angered when the Sugar Act of 1764, the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act were passed. 1 The Sugar Act and the Stamp Act imposed taxes on the colonists. The Quartering Act demanded that colonists take in British troops who needed housing. 2 The British also imposed a series of acts that would give Britain an economic power hold over the colonies. The taxes would help fund Britain and empower its navy. Furthermore, in 1651 and 1660, Navigation Acts kept other foreigners from trading with the American colonies. Exports like sugar, apples, wool, indigo and tobacco were also limited. Colonists only allowed to send those goods to Britain or the British Isles. Although the colonist participation was held to a minimum, they had learned a powerful lesson from the French and Indian War. They realized that they could fight and win. They learned that they did possess some power. But although the colonists started in good ties with the British, they would soon realize that there were numerous differences between these two powers. Colonists began to boycott British goods to assert their power. However, two events further ignited relations between the colonists and the British. The Boston Massacre, in which five colonists were killed...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Funny Mothers Day Quotes

Funny Mothers Day Quotes A touch of humor goes a long way in making relationships work. And when that relationship is a mother-child one, laughter can be a great stress alleviator. Think about it. A mother has to ensure her childs well-being, happiness, and safety every single day. She never gets to take the load off of her shoulders. Its not that she doesnt like to laugh, its just that she was so much to worry about. Why not give her the gift of humor this Mothers Day? Does your mother like jokes and funny movies? If humor is her thing, give her the joy of laughter on Mothers Day. Use these funny Mothers Day quotes in cards and on presents. A touch of humor will make the occasion memorable.   Funny Quotes Rita Rudner My mother is such a lousy cook that Thanksgiving at her house is a time of sorrow. Mark Twain My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. Dan Quayle Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child. Phyllis Diller It would seem that something which means poverty, disorder, and violence every single day should be avoided entirely. But the desire to beget children is a natural urge. Kin Hubbard The worst feature of a new baby is its mothers singing. Louie Anderson My mom was a garage sale person, save money. Come on into the garage sale, you might find a shirt. Shed get in that garage sale and point stuff out to you. Theres a good fork for a nickel. Yeah, thats beautiful. Its a little high. If it were three cents Id snap it up. Oscar Wilde All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. Thats his. Paula Poundstone My mom said she learned how to swim. Someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. Thats how she learned how to swim. I said, Mom, they werent trying to teach you how to swim. Tim Allen My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar My mother had to send me to the movies with my birth certificate  so that I wouldnt have to pay the extra fifty cents that the adults had to pay. Dame Edna Everage My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you havent met yet. Shes now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia. Rita Rudner Neurotics build castles in the air; psychotics live in them. My mother cleans them. Pamela Anderson Im a mother with two small children, so I dont take as much crap as I used to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Historic and Environmental Conversation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Historic and Environmental Conversation - Essay Example The concept of historic preservation is mainly used by the English and the Americans but the other dialects refer to the same as â€Å"heritage conservation† or â€Å"heritage preservation†. The term is commonly used by professionals to refer to the preservation of the built environment as opposed to the preservation or the conservation of wildlife or forests (Forsyth 10). Environmental conservation is a concept that has a resemblance with historic preservation. The only difference is that environmental conservation is concerned with the preservation of the natural environment that includes plants, animals and natural resources (Mauro 4). The environment is defined as the sum of everything that surrounds a living organism, including natural forces, other living organisms that in essence provide conditions for growth and development as well as danger and damage to the living organism. Therefore, environmental conservation is a term that goes hand in hand with natural con servation that involves the protection of nature (Mauro 6). Historical Conservation The idea of historic conservation and natural conservation dates back to the 17th century in England. Members of the Royal Society of England often had antiquarian interests and, therefore, most of them were involved in conservation efforts during this time. This was done for various reasons; one of them was to conserve history for the future generations especially the buildings that had an impact on a country (Simon 335). These efforts by the Royal Society of England in the UK led to the establishment and adoption of the Ancient Monument Protection Act in 1882. Later in the 20th century, the UK’s Ancient and Monuments act was passed in 1913 to protect or preserve defined decayed and obsolete structures of great historical or associative interest. The act was because of the continued modernization that meant the destruction of the older buildings to pave way for the newer improved structures ( Simon 336). During the twentieth century, the UK government under the National Trust Organization started with the preservation of historic houses continuously increasing its scope to cover other buildings of historic significance. In 1944, the UK’s legislature passed the Town and country Planning Act and the subsequent Town and Country planning Act in 1990. This acts increased the pace toward historic preservation on a high scale. Apart from these acts, other court cases from pressure groups and movements also contributed to the first pace of historical conservation (Feilden 35). Preservation efforts in the United States began in the early 19th century with the preservation of the George Washington’s Mount Vernon in 1858. This was later followed by an association founded in 1889 called the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, which was the United States first statewide historic conservation group (Forsyth 50). Another historical building that foll owed in the 20th century is the Washington headquarters state historic site in New York in 1961. One of the first architectural firms that was famous in its bid to preserve historic buildings was Simons & Lapham. It was influential in crafting the first historical ordinance in Charleston in 1930. This gave the city regulatory means by which it could prevent the destruction of historic buildings. Earlier on in 1925, there were massive efforts to preserve the French Quarter buildings in New Orleans and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Internet - Essay Example Colorful world, victories and defeats, interesting rivals - all this captures the child. Most games carry aggressive tendencies - murders and destruction. While playing, the child identifies himself with his character, and becomes aggressive. If in the virtual world it is possible to kill, destroy, then the same can be done in the real world - that is a conclusion which is formed in the childrens minds (Lee 2008). Information with erotic nature filled the Internet. Some photos and videos even for adults are somehow awkward to watch. But most of the children may have access to porn sites. Childhood and adolescence is the time of formation of sexuality. Porn sites may promote unhealthy sexuality, erotic relationships with all indiscriminately (Lee & Tamborini 2009). Taking into account the unformed childs conscious, the availability of such information may simply destroy sexuality of the child and break his whole life. Child often becomes an unwitting hostage of the lifestyle of own parents, behavior and habits of which he or she copies on a conscious and subconscious level (Mesch 2009). Long chat with a computer, which in the representation of the child begins to associate with a friend who is always ready to play and do not say "enough, Im tired!", can lead not only to the emergence of the computer dependency, but to a whole range of other negative effects. Communicative activities carried out through the Internet are various. Currently there are intensive experiments with anonymity, from the total self-discovery with elements of exhibitionism up to the hype and the inclination to manipulate and control the impression about oneself. Thus, problems with communicative activities appear in the form of low ability to perceive emotional state of a partner and reduction of the ability to recognize non-verbal aspects of communication Compulsive Internet use is linked to the inability to control, reduce or stop

Analysis of story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of story - Essay Example Thomas is strangely aware that Victor’s friendship would last only until the ashes of his father are brought back but he had made a promise to Victor’s father and intended to keep it. Thomas had been a dreamer always and recalls an incident, where he was awaiting a vision near a desolate waterfall, and Victor’s father had dutifully advised him, brought him back and also bought him dinner. Considering that Thomas was an orphan, this gesture was a highlight in his loveless life. Thus, the promise made to Victor’s father was far more important than his ego. The trip brings up the past with colorful imagery of two young boys who had experienced life and grew up together but also grew apart due to peer pressure and a society that shunned souls such as Thomas. The tone of the story is extremely melancholic in nature. On one hand you have the death of a man and the sadness that comes with it, while on the other hand we have a character that is always lost in his dreams, narrating stories, feeling the breeze on his face and then also trying to fly, adding a touch of comic drama to the story. Even the name of this character ‘Thomas Builds-the Fire’ is comic in nature showing the subtle humor that the author so craftily manages to weave into the narrative. The story is interrupted at one point during the firework celebration stating that â€Å"Years later, they would need much more.† (Alexie)This shows the underlying satirical humor and comic relief in sudden spurts, almost sarcastically threaded into the story. Therefore according to Freytag’s pyramid, we have the Exposition, which is the loss of his job and the death of Victor’s father, the Rising Action wherein Victor plans to make the trip, leading to him befriending his childhood friend Thomas once again but only for a selfish motive. This leads to the climax,

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Response paper - Essay Example As far as gender roles are concerned, this movie has been specific about how women are subjected to abysmal behaviors at the hands of the people all around India and how the men in their lives play a very dominant role which basically destroys their lives more than anything else. Deepa Mehta has emphasized how widows have been at the forefront of being subjected to some of the harshest possible behaviors on the part of the society. Deepa has been vocal about this philosophy emanating out of India with this topic under consideration. The movie has highlighted how the society bears the brunt of such attitudes by its own people and what could be done in order to bring a level of sanity within the relevant quarters. Since these widows are already undergoing an ordeal at the hands of the society that they are a part of, it is the pertinent role of the society to give them happiness rather than inflict one pain after the other one, which has been the case as has been portrayed within this movie. This is one of the most pressing issues that women face within an underdeveloped society in this day and age. The gender roles therefore take the precedence within this movie since women are shown to be in a much shabby state, which does not speak well about their well-being. The manner in which the society has to come out clean is something which will play a positive role all along as far as future domains are concerned. Basically the traditional role of women in India is debated upon by different stakeholders of the society on most of the occasions and Water is one such movie that highlights the related subject (Thomas 2006). The credit for this must rest on the shoulders of Deepa Mehta for bringing a subject which has hurt the cause of the Indian society on more than one instance. In essence, this movie is an eye-opener because it highlights quite a few significant pointers and gives all and sundry food for thought to change the norms which are prevalent within India

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Developing Conflict Management Skills in the Hospital Essay

The Developing Conflict Management Skills in the Hospital - Essay Example Communication is very important in making the oncology ward staff effective. I will always listen before I speak, speak slowly and clearly, use diagrams where possible to express my points and encourage questions (Ellis, 2009, p. 33). Burnard (1997, p. 83) asserts that listening shows that one cares. Furthermore, I will acknowledge differences of opinions, be open-minded, not be judgmental, accept feedback, be assertive, and share my feelings and thoughts with members of staff. Good communication ensures that interpersonal communication between leaders and followers is clear and understandable. Good communication ensures that all the team members are informed about how their actions, behaviour and work affect the hospital, patients and the society (Ellis, 2005, p. 23). Good communication skills will ensure that the vision and mission of the oncology ward are well communicated to the staff. Proficiency is necessary for informing and seeking information. I will try as much as possible to communicate with all members regularly. When a problem arises, I will meet with affected parties to discuss and arrive at an acceptable solution within twenty-four hours. I will establish direct contacts with all team members once every week to recognize their efforts and notice their concerns. In addition, I will always be explicit and clear on the expectations I have for all my team members. Effective persuasion is an important communication skill that I will alarm. It enables a leader to influence followers and other key persons in the hospital to follow a particular path or implement a certain idea.

Management research SPSS data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management research SPSS data analysis - Essay Example The results show that the satisfaction mean is higher than the commitment mean as shown in table 1. This means that on average employees of SCP are more satisfied than committed. Results on reliability of items in each scale show that items in both satisfaction and commitment are highly reliable (Alpha=0.953 & 0.965) respectively. Table 1: Summary statistics for satisfaction and commitment Mean Standard deviation Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Satisfaction 43.276 13.231 0.953 10 Commitment 37.287 13.239 0.965 10 Examining the distribution of initial output Table 2, presents summary results of initial output and it can be noted that the average initial output is 2207.632 units per month with a very high variability. Figure 1 show the distribution of initial output and it looks approximately normal with one possible extreme value. A formal test for normality presented in table 3 show that the distribution of initial output is significantly normal (p-value=0.222). Table 2: Summary statisti cs of initial output Initial output Value Mean 2207.632 Median 2195 Mode 1925.00(a) Std. Deviation 280.7786 Skewness 0.253 Std. Error of Skewness 0.247 Kurtosis -0.09 Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.49 a Multiple modes exist, the smallest value is shown Figure 1: Distribution of initial output Table 3: Test for normality of initial output Tests of Normality                Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk    Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Initial output 0.052 95 .200 0.991 95 0.743 Possibility of outlying observation was checked and table 4 presents the five extreme z scores for initial output. None of the Z score is larger than 3.29 in absolute values so we can say that there are no outlying initial output values. However there is a Z score of 3.07 which might be of no harm to check the original dataset to confirm the true value (Field, 2009, p. 74). Table 4: Cases of extreme z scores for initial output Extreme Values          Case Number Value Z-score(initial outp ut) Highest 1 58 3.07135 2 74 1.89604 3 98 1.86043 4 7 1.75358 5 61 1.68235 Lowest 1 3 -2.1819 2 85 -1.91479 3 55 -1.91479 4 37 -1.59425       5 89 -1.52302 A one-sample t-test was conducted to examine if â€Å"initial output† significantly differs from the national average of 2300 units per month. The result was very significant (p-value=0.002) implying that the average initial output at SCP is significantly lower than the national average of 2300. Table 5: One sample T test One-Sample Test                Test Value = 2300 t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Initial output -3.206 94 0.002 -92.3684 -149.566 -35.1709 Examining the distribution of final output The average final output was 2308.177 which is higher than the average for initial outcome presented in table 1. There is also high variability around this estimate. The distribution of final output as presented in figure 2 seems normal with two possible outlying observations. Z scores were used to assess outlying observations and the results show that there is one outlier (Z score=3.36675). Since I was unable to check if this outlier was as a result of data entry, I assumed it was not and it was replaced by the next highest score plus one. Table 6: Summary statistics for final output Final output Value Mean 2308.177 Median 2320 Mode 2120 Std.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Response paper - Essay Example As far as gender roles are concerned, this movie has been specific about how women are subjected to abysmal behaviors at the hands of the people all around India and how the men in their lives play a very dominant role which basically destroys their lives more than anything else. Deepa Mehta has emphasized how widows have been at the forefront of being subjected to some of the harshest possible behaviors on the part of the society. Deepa has been vocal about this philosophy emanating out of India with this topic under consideration. The movie has highlighted how the society bears the brunt of such attitudes by its own people and what could be done in order to bring a level of sanity within the relevant quarters. Since these widows are already undergoing an ordeal at the hands of the society that they are a part of, it is the pertinent role of the society to give them happiness rather than inflict one pain after the other one, which has been the case as has been portrayed within this movie. This is one of the most pressing issues that women face within an underdeveloped society in this day and age. The gender roles therefore take the precedence within this movie since women are shown to be in a much shabby state, which does not speak well about their well-being. The manner in which the society has to come out clean is something which will play a positive role all along as far as future domains are concerned. Basically the traditional role of women in India is debated upon by different stakeholders of the society on most of the occasions and Water is one such movie that highlights the related subject (Thomas 2006). The credit for this must rest on the shoulders of Deepa Mehta for bringing a subject which has hurt the cause of the Indian society on more than one instance. In essence, this movie is an eye-opener because it highlights quite a few significant pointers and gives all and sundry food for thought to change the norms which are prevalent within India

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Management research SPSS data analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management research SPSS data analysis - Essay Example The results show that the satisfaction mean is higher than the commitment mean as shown in table 1. This means that on average employees of SCP are more satisfied than committed. Results on reliability of items in each scale show that items in both satisfaction and commitment are highly reliable (Alpha=0.953 & 0.965) respectively. Table 1: Summary statistics for satisfaction and commitment Mean Standard deviation Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Satisfaction 43.276 13.231 0.953 10 Commitment 37.287 13.239 0.965 10 Examining the distribution of initial output Table 2, presents summary results of initial output and it can be noted that the average initial output is 2207.632 units per month with a very high variability. Figure 1 show the distribution of initial output and it looks approximately normal with one possible extreme value. A formal test for normality presented in table 3 show that the distribution of initial output is significantly normal (p-value=0.222). Table 2: Summary statisti cs of initial output Initial output Value Mean 2207.632 Median 2195 Mode 1925.00(a) Std. Deviation 280.7786 Skewness 0.253 Std. Error of Skewness 0.247 Kurtosis -0.09 Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.49 a Multiple modes exist, the smallest value is shown Figure 1: Distribution of initial output Table 3: Test for normality of initial output Tests of Normality                Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk    Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Initial output 0.052 95 .200 0.991 95 0.743 Possibility of outlying observation was checked and table 4 presents the five extreme z scores for initial output. None of the Z score is larger than 3.29 in absolute values so we can say that there are no outlying initial output values. However there is a Z score of 3.07 which might be of no harm to check the original dataset to confirm the true value (Field, 2009, p. 74). Table 4: Cases of extreme z scores for initial output Extreme Values          Case Number Value Z-score(initial outp ut) Highest 1 58 3.07135 2 74 1.89604 3 98 1.86043 4 7 1.75358 5 61 1.68235 Lowest 1 3 -2.1819 2 85 -1.91479 3 55 -1.91479 4 37 -1.59425       5 89 -1.52302 A one-sample t-test was conducted to examine if â€Å"initial output† significantly differs from the national average of 2300 units per month. The result was very significant (p-value=0.002) implying that the average initial output at SCP is significantly lower than the national average of 2300. Table 5: One sample T test One-Sample Test                Test Value = 2300 t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Initial output -3.206 94 0.002 -92.3684 -149.566 -35.1709 Examining the distribution of final output The average final output was 2308.177 which is higher than the average for initial outcome presented in table 1. There is also high variability around this estimate. The distribution of final output as presented in figure 2 seems normal with two possible outlying observations. Z scores were used to assess outlying observations and the results show that there is one outlier (Z score=3.36675). Since I was unable to check if this outlier was as a result of data entry, I assumed it was not and it was replaced by the next highest score plus one. Table 6: Summary statistics for final output Final output Value Mean 2308.177 Median 2320 Mode 2120 Std.

Assess the view that factors and processes within the school Essay Example for Free

Assess the view that factors and processes within the school Essay Many sociologists argue that â€Å"factors and processes within school are the main cause of difference† These factors include gender, class and ethnicity. All of these things can lead to certain stereotypes and labels being forced upon pupils. The idea that Teachers have certain expectations of different social and ethnic groups means that self-fulfilling prophecy can lead to pupils living out positive and negative labels. The role of gender in educational achievement is that in past times it has been that boys have achieved less than girls in school, this could be that boys have a history of ‘laddish’ behaviour and have had a negative attitude to learning. This had also led to teachers expectations of ‘lads’ to be low which has caused negative stereotypes and labels. All of these things have in turn caused many anti-school subcultures. Jackson did a study about how this ‘laddish’ behaviour is now being seen in some girls which could in fact mean that it is not only boys that have these negative labels but also girls. Another factor that may influence the achievement of girls is that girls now have a lot of higher role models and more opportunities in the future; this can lead to them working harder because they can see themselves being successful in the future. Another In-school factor would be ethnicity, different ethnic groups achieve better than others in education, for example the highest achieving ethnic group is British Chinese and the lowest would be black African Caribbean boys. The reasons for these differences in achievement could be linked to family morals and attitudes to school. Teachers also have expectations of different ethnic groups which again, like gender can lead to positive and negative labels and stereotypes. The curriculum in schools could also lead to this due to it being ethnocentric. Differences in class an play a crucial role in the achievement between different classes, for example working class children do not have as much cultural capital as middle class children and this can play a vital part in how they achieve at school, due to teachers expectations of how they behave and achieve. The idea of the hidden curriculum means that schools are preparing students for middle class jobs with middle class ideas. Also the idea that middle class teachers get on better with idle class students also reinforces the idea of teacher’s expectations which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy and students either over or under achieving. One more in-school factor would be pupil subcultures and how streaming and setting can lead to both anti and pro school subcultures, This again links to the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy and that students may either reject their labels or follow them. The organisation of the school can also be closely linked to class and how students may be put into lower streams or sets due to their social background and how teachers perceive them. Home backgrounds of students also contribute to a large part of their achievement. The differences in class can lead to many home disadvantages such as material deprivation which means that students do not have enough money for resources such as private tutors, laptops, trips or uniforms; this will give them a disadvantage compared to middle class students. Working class students may also have other responsibilities to attend to such as looking after siblings or even disabled parents; this means that they do not have as much time to spend on studying. Parent’s attitudes towards school and education can also prove to be an impact, if a parent has a negative attitude to school and learning then the child will not have as much pressure or ambition to do as well. This idea of parent expectations links closely with ethnicity and how different ethnic groups view educarion. In conclusion there are many in school processes that can influence the achievement of children such as gender and how girls and boys are perceived and what teachers expect of them. Another would be Class and how working and middle class students achieve differently due to aspects of school life like the hidden curriculum. Also ethnicity and the expectations and ideas about certain groups like the British Chinese. There are also a lot of out of school factors such as home background, material deprivation and parents’ expectations. Overall I believe that the both in school factors and out of school factors contribute to the differences in educational achievement of different social groups.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics ABSTRACT Organisations have goals and therefore acquire assets to ensure these goals are met and the continuity guaranteed. Financial sector while trying to promote convenient methods such as online banking and use of ATM for their customers to access their money strives to ensure only the right person has access to the account. Also, military and national security services store high sensitive and critical information that must only be accessed by specific individual thereby deploying security measures to keep this tradition. However, achieving these goals largely depends on securing and controlling the assets as documented which means only authorised individuals have access to these environments and eventually the assets. Sequel to the importance of access control, different security techniques have been deployed to safeguard these assets which ranges from PINs and passwords, ID cards, smart card est. Vulnerabilities to these methods have lead to the recent surge in biometrics industry as many believe this is the future. Reasons such that the physical presence of the authorized person is needed at the point of access and also, the fact that it is unique and almost impossible to duplicate emphasis the benefit of biometrics and explain its glooming popularity. However like any other security methods, biometrics has limitations and threats which can impact its effectiveness and efficiency. It is not suitable for every application and can be a very wrong choice for certain applications. Therefore, it is essential to manage these limitations and threats properly to enhance the success factor of biometrics. Finally, it is important for any sector deploying biometrics to understand the various issues associated with biometrics such as privacy, standards and what the law requires of biometrics. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Organizations strive to secure their assets and provide means of controlling access to these assets. This process requires identification and authorization to ensure the right person is accessing the right asset. Over the years, traditional methods of authentication, mainly passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) have been popularly used. Recently, swipe card and PINs have been deployed for more security since one is something you have and the latter something you know. However, these methods still have vulnerabilities as swipe card can be stolen. Also, bad management of passwords has left people writing them on papers and desks or simply choosing easy and general words for quick remembrance which expose the password to intruders. More recently, stronger identification and authorization technologies that can assure a person is who he claims to be are becoming prominent and biometrics can be classified to this category. Biometric technology makes use of a persons physiological or behavioral characteristics in identification. Every human being is unique in nature and possesses physical parts completely different from any other person. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack did not help security concerns as governments and organizations all around the world especially the border security agencies have greatly embraced this human recognition technology. As both private and public entities continue to search for a more reliable identification and authentication methods, biometrics has been the choice and considered the future. WHAT IS BIOMETRICS? Biometrics refers to the automatic identifications of a person based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics (Chirillo and Blaul 2003, p. 2). It is an authorization method that verifies or identifies a user based on what they are before authorizing access. The search for a more reliable authorization method to secure assets has lead to the revelation of biometrics and many organizations have shown interest in the technology. Two main types of biometrics have been used mainly physical and behavioral. A physical biometrics is a part of a persons body while, a behavioral biometric is something that a person does (Lockie 2002, p. 8). He added that although there are some more unusual biometrics which may be used in the future, including a persons unique smell, the shape of their ear or even the way they talk, the main biometrics being measured include fingerprints, hand geometry, retina scan, iris scan, facial location or recognition (all physical), voice recognition, signature, keystroke pattern and gait (Behavioral). However, it has been argued by Liu and Silverman (2001) that different applications require different biometrics as there is no supreme or best biometric technology. HISTORY OF BIOMETRICS According to Chirillo and Blaul (2003, p. 3) the term biometrics is derived from the Greek words bio (life) and metric (to measure). China is among the first known to practice biometrics back in the fourteenth century as reported by the Portuguese historian Joao de Barros. It was called member-printing where the childrens palms as well as the footprints were stamped on paper with ink to identify each baby. Alphonse Bertillon, a Paris based anthropologist and police desk clerk was trying to find a way of identifying convicts in the 1890s decided to research on biometrics. He came up with measuring body lengths and was relevant till it was proved to be prone to error as many people shared the same measurement. The police started using fingerprinting developed based on the Chinese methods used century before by Richard Edward Henry, who was working at the Scotland Yard. Raina, Orlans and Woodward (2003, p. 25-26) stated references to biometrics as a concept could be traced back to over a thousand years in East Asia where potters placed their fingerprints on their wares as an early form of brand identity. They also pointed Egypts Nile Valley where traders were formally identified based on physical characteristics such as eye color, complexion and also height. The information were used by merchant to identify trusted traders whom they had successfully transacted business with in the past. Kapil et al also made references to the Bible, first pointing to the faith Gileadites had in their biometric system as reported in The Book of Judges (12:5-6) that the men of Gilead identified enemy in their midst by making suspected Ephraimites say Shibboleth for they could not pronounce it right. The second reference is to The Book of Genesis (27:11-28) where Jacob pretended to be Esau by putting goat skins on his hands and back of his neck so his skin would feel h airy to his blind, aged fathers touch. This illustrates a case of biometric spoofing and false acceptance. They finally wrote Biometrics as a commercial, modern technology has been around since the early 1970s when the first commercially available device was brought to market (p. 26). HOW BIOMETRICS SYSTEMS WORK A biometric system is essentially a pattern-recognition system that makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user (Blaul 2003, p.3). Biometrics has so far been developed to work in two ways mainly verification and identification. Verification systems are designed to give answer to the question, Am I who I claim to be? by requiring that a user claim an identity in order for a biometric comparison to be performed. The user provides data, which is then compared to his or her enrolled biometric data. Identification systems gives answer to the question, who am I? and do not require a user to claim an identity as the provided biometric data is compared to data from a number of users to find a match (Nanavati 2002, p. 12). An illustration of a scenario using an identifying biometrics system is given below and thus gives an answer to the question Who am I? In October 1998 in the United Kingdom, Newham Council introduced face recognition software to 12 town centre cameras with the sole purpose of decreasing street robbery. Images are compared against a police database of over 100 convicted street robbers known to be active in the previous 12 weeks. In August 2001, 527,000 separate faces were detected and operators confirmed 90 matches against the database. Where a face is not identified with any in the database, the image is deleted; if a match is found a human operator checks the result. The introduction of face recognition technology to Newham city centre saw a 34% decrease in street robbery. The system has not led directly to any arrests, which suggests that its effect is largely due to the deterrence/displacement of crime. The face recognition system has been widely publicised by the council and 93% of residents support its introduction (Postnote Nov 2001, p. 1). The case study below illustrates a verifying biometrics system and supply answers to the question Am I who I claim to be? The US Immigration and Naturalization Service Passenger Accelerated Service System (INSPASS) has been introduced at eight airports in order to provide a quick immigration processing for authorised frequent flyers entering the US and Canada. On arrival at an airport, a traveller inserts a card that carries a record of their hand geometry into the INSPASS kiosk and places their hand on a biometric reader. A computer cross-references the information stored on the card at registration with the live hand geometry scan. The complete process takes less than 30 seconds. If the scans match, the traveller can proceed to customs; if not, travellers are referred to an Immigration Inspector. There are more than 45,000 active INSPASS users with, on average, 20,000 automated immigration inspections conducted each month (Postnote Nov 2001, p. 1). Verifying system is often referred to as a one-to-one process and generally takes less processing time compared to the identifying systems. This is due to the fact that in identifying systems, a user is compared to all users in the database (one-to-many). Verifying systems are also more accurate since they only have to match a users data against his or her stored data and do not need hundreds, thousands or even millions of comparisons like the identifying systems. However, it is important for an organization to decide the type appropriate for the applications. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology designed for this dissertation is mainly the qualitative approach. A quantitative approach has been overlooked due to limited time as designing surveys, distribution take time and response time could not be predicted. Therefore, my effort will be concentrated on critically reviewing previous literatures in order to acquire an overview of, and intakes on the topic. For more details, Journals, Books, Publications, Documentaries and previous dissertations related to the topic will be reviewed, compared and analyzed. The objectives will be achieved by purely reviewing literatures and previous researches and the literatures critically analyzed by comparing information obtained from different sources. Findings, recommendations and conclusions will be made from the analysis. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The aim of this research is to critically analyse biometric security as an emerging and booming industry by examining the positives and negatives and providing ways of improving the method effectively and most importantly efficiently. Since biometrics applies to many applications, access control will be the main focus of this dessertation. Also, issues such as privacy, laws governing biometrics and standards will be examined. The main objectives of this research are; To review biometric security and issues related to it. To evaluate the threats, advantages and disadvantages of biometrics. To propose ways of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of biometrics from previous researches. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is aimed at critically reviewing and analysis of numerous works of researchers in the area of biometrics, threats to biometrics, advantages and disadvantages and ways of improving biometrics efficiency in access control. The effect of privacy (human rights) and the need to conform to biometrics standards will also be examined and reviewed. DEFINITION OF BIOMETRICS According to Jain, Ross and Pankanti (2006, p. 125), one great concern in our vastly interconnected society is establishing identity. Systems need to know Is he who he claims he is, Is she authorized to use this resource? or simply who is this? Therefore, a wide range of systems require reliable personal recognition schemes to either verify or identify of an individual seeking access to their services. The purpose of that scheme is to ensure that the rendered services are accessed by only the authorized and not any intruder or imposer (Ross 2004, p. 1). Biometric recognition, or simply biometrics, refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological and, or behavioral characteristics (Jain, 2004 p. 1). Woodward (2003, p. 27) cited biometric industry guru Ben Millers 1987 biometric definition: Biometric technologies are automated methods of verifying or recognizing the identity of a living person based on a physical or behavioral characteristic. Shoniregun and Crosier (2008, p. 10) provided several definitions of biometrics which include: Biometrics is the development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological science. Biometrics = identification/verification of persons based on the unique physiological or behavioral features of humans. Biometrics is the measurement and matching of biological characteristics such as fingerprint images, hand geometry, facial recognition, etc. Biometrics is strongly linked to a stored identity to the physical person. Nevertheless the various definitions, it can be seen that the science of biometrics is based on the fact that no two people are the same and this has a significant influence on its reliability and success factor. THE BIOMETRICS INDUSTRY According to Lockie (2002, p. 10), the biometric industry did not really get established until the middle of the twentieth century. The researchers at that particular time were investigating whether various human parts and characteristics, such as the iris or the voice, could be used to identify an individual. This was made public by publishing papers and as a considerable number of these strands of research began to form a piece, the biometrics industry as we know it these days was established. As organization search for more secure authentication methods for user access, e-commerce, and other security applications, biometrics is gaining increasing attention (Liu 2001, p.27). Higgins, Orlan and Woodward (2003, p. xxiii ), emphasized that even though biometrics have not become an essential part of all systems requiring controlled access, the emerging industry has come a long way from its modern founding in 1972 with the installation of a commercial finger measurement device on Wall Street. He made reference to the highly respected MIT Technology Review called biometrics one of the top ten emerging technologies that will change the world. The growth in biometric industries is reflected in the numbers. The trio cited Rick Noton, the executive director of the International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA), who reported in the Biometrics 2002 Conference in London, United Kingdom, that the industrys trade association has indicated the surge in biometric revenues over recent years. From $20 million in 1996, it has increased to $200 million in 2001 and Norton believes they will increase as the years pass on significantly in 5 years time. Also, a forecast made by the International Biometric Group (IBG), which is a biometric consulting and integration firm located in New York City, estimate that biometric revenues totaled $399 million in 2000 and will increase to $1.9 billion by 2005. Both IBIA and IBG believe that the private sector will be responsible for much of the growth. These give evidence of the relevance of biometrics in organizations in modern times. BIOMETRICS AND ACCESS CONTROL Over the years, biometrics has evolved rapidly and many vertical markets such as governments, transport, financial sectors, security, public justice and safety, healthcare and many more have adopted biometrics. Due to this wide range of users, biometrics has been deployed to many applications. Biometrics has been of high benefit to organization as they seek a reliable security method to safeguard assets. Fully understanding how biometrics work, it can be said that the ultimate aim of applying biometrics in the vertical markets listed above is to control access to a resource irrespective of the system used whether a verifying or an identifying process It has been stated by S. Nanavati, Thieme and R. Nanavati (2002, p. 14), that biometric systems are deployed for two primary purposes which are physical and logical access. LOGICAL VERSUS PHYSICAL ACCESS Physical access systems monitors, restricts, or grant movement of a person or object into or out of a specific area (Thieme 2002, p. 14). This could be implemented to control entry into rooms or even the main building. Popular examples are control towers, bank vaults, server rooms and many other sensitive rooms requiring controlled access. In physical access, biometrics replaces the use of keys, PIN codes access cards and security guards although any of these could be combined with biometrics as a complementation. Common physical access application is time and attendance. Thieme also gave a definition of logical access systems as one that monitor, restrict or grant access to data or information listing examples such as logging into a PC, accessing data stored on a network, accessing an account, or authenticating a transaction. In this case, biometrics replaces and can be designed to complement PINs, passwords and also tokens. Basic biometric functionality precisely acquiring and comparing of biometric data is often identical in both physical and logical systems. For example, the same iris scan data can be used for both doorway and desktop applications. Thieme explained that the only difference between the two is the external system into which the biometric functionality is integrated. The biometric functionality is integrated into a larger system. This applies for both physical and logical access system and actions such as access to any desktop application or access to a room via a doorway are effected by a biometric match. However, not every system can be classified as physical or logical access as the end result does not indicate access to data or a physical location and the result therefore may be to investigate more. An ATM secured by biometrics allows access to money, a physical entity. This is made possible by allowing the user logical access to his or her data. In the example above, the application is even difficult to classify as either physical or logical. Thieme (2002, p. 15) suggested that the distinction between physical and logical access systems is a valuable tool in understanding biometric. He noted that key criteria such accuracy, fallback procedures, privacy requirements, costs, response time and complexity of integration all vary effectively when moving from logical to physical access. WHAT ARE BIOMETRIC STANDARDS Stapleton (2003, p. 167) defined a standard in a general term as a published document, developed by a recognized authority, which defines a set of policies and practices, technical or security requirements, techniques or mechanisms, or describes some other abstract concept or model. The growth of the biometric industry has been relatively slowed by the absence of industry wide standards and this has also impeded various types of biometric deployment. Nanavati (2002, p. 277) stated that the relative youth of the technology in use, coupled with the disunified nature of the industry, has impacted the developments of standards resulting in a sporadic and frequently redundant standards. Nanavati also noted that the live-scan fingerprint imaging is the only segment of biometric industry with widely accepted and adopted standards. Due to this absence of biometric standards, some institutions have been concerned of being tied into technologies they actually believed as not mature or even dev elopmental. However in an effort to actively address the standards issue, the biometric industry has finalized some blueprints and the process of getting industries to accept these standards is ongoing WHY IS STANDARDIZATION NECESSARY? The high rate of biometric development and rapid growth in adoption of biometric technologies in recent years has resulted in ever-increasing levels of what is expected in terms of accuracy, adaptability, and reliability in an ever-wider range of applications. Due to the adoption of biometric technologies in large-scale national and international applications, involving a potentially unlimited range of stakeholders, Farzin Deravi (2008, p. 483) stated that it has become essential to address these expectations by ensuring agreed common frameworks for implementation and evaluation of biometric technologies through standardization activities. Majority of biometric systems, including both the hardware and software are made and sold by the owner of the patent at this stage in their development. They are being proprietary in numerous aspects including the manner in which biometric devices and systems as a whole communicate with applications, the method of extracting features from a biometric sample, and among many more, the method of storing and retrieving biometric data. This resulted in many companies in most cases, being wedded to a particular technology, once they agree to implement that particular technology. Nanavati (2002, p. 278) stated that in order to incorporate a new technology, the companies are required to rebuild their system from scratch upward, and in some cases duplicating much of the deployment effort. Deravi (2008 p. 483) noted that the need for interoperability of biometric systems across national boundaries has implied a rapid escalation of standardization efforts to the international arena, stating that the sense of urgency for the need for standardization has been the priority of internal security concerns. The industry wide or universal adoption of biometric standard will not make biometric technology interoperable at least, to the state where an old device can be replaced by a new device without rebuilding the system. However, Nanavati (2002 p. 278) argued the core algorithms through which vendors locate and extract biometric data are very unlikely to be interoperable or standardized, the reason being that these algorithms represents the basis of most vendors intellectual property. Numerous reasons are responsible for the motivation towards standardization. These include the desire for reducing the overall cost of deploying biometrics technologies and optimize the reliability of biometric systems, to reduce the risk of deploying solutions to biometric problems, to ensure in the area of encryption and file format, that the basic building blocks of biometric data management have been developed based on best practice by industry professionals. Nanavati (2002 p. 278) concluded that standards ensure that, in the future, biometric technology will be developed and deployed in accordance with generally accepted principles of information technology. EXISTING BIOMETRIC STANDARDS Shoniregun and Crosier (2008 p. 22) stated that the evolving interest and developments have made developments of standards a necessity with the sole aim of allowing compatibility of different systems. The detailed standards in the Biometrics Resource Centre (2002) report are summarised below: Common Biometric Exchange File Format (CBEFF): The Common Biometric Exchange File Format (CBEFF) sets a standard for the data elements essential in supporting biometric technology in a common way irrespective of the application involved or the domain in use. It makes data interchange between systems and their components easier, while promoting interoperability applications, programs as well as systems based on biometrics. INCITS MI-Biometrics Technical Committee: The committee which was established by the Executive Board of the International Committee for Information Technology standards (INCITS) with the responsibility to ensure a focused and reasonably comprehensive approach in the United States for the rapid development and approval of previous national and international generic biometric standards (Shoniregun ad Crosier 2008, p. 22) BioAPI Specification (Version 1.1): The BioAPI standard defines the architecture for biometric systems integration in a single computer system. (Deravi 2008, p. 490). The Bio API specification has been one of the most popular standards efforts since it was formed in April 1998 according to Nanavati (2002, p. 279). Nnavati stated that the standard was formed to develop an API that is both widely accepted and widely available while being compatible with various biometric technologies. Other general standards available are Human Recognition Module (HRS), ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000, American Association for Motor Vehicle Administration and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which specifies the acceptable security requirements necessary for effective management of biometric data especially for the financial services industry. BRITISH BIOMETRICS STANDARDS The British Standards Institution (BSI) commenced work in June 2004 on biometrics standards and since then, has published according to Shoniregun and Crosier (2008, p. 24) a set of four new BS ISO/IEC 19794 STANDARDS, reported to have covered the science of biometrics, and using biological characteristics in identifying individuals. The objective of publishing these standards is to promote interoperability between the several products in the market. BS ISO/IEC 19784-2:2007: This standard defines the interface to an archive Biometric Function Provider (BFP). The interface assumes that the collected biometrics data will be managed as a database, irrespective of its physical realization. Crosier (2008, p. 24) defined the physical realization as smartcards, token, memory sticks, files on hard drives and any other kind of memory can be handled via an abstraction layer presenting a database interface.) BS ISO/IEC 19795-2:2006: According to Shoniregun (2008, p. 25), this standard provides recommendations and requirements on collection of data, analysis as well as reporting specific to two types of evaluation (scenario evaluation and technology evaluation). BS ISO/IEC 19795-2:2006 further specifies the requirements in the development and full description of protocols for scenario and technology evaluations and also, in executing and reporting biometric evaluations. BS ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007: ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007 specifies the concepts, framework, test methods and criteria required to test conformity of biometric products claiming conformance to BioAPI (ISO/IEC 19784-1). ( Crosier (2008, p. 25) stated ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007 specifies three conformance testing models which allows conformance testing of each of the BioAPI components mainly a framework, an application and a BSP. BS ISO/IEC 24709-2:2007: The standard BS ISO/IEC 247 defines a number of test assertions composed in the assertion language explicitly required in ISO/IEC 24709-1. The assertions allow a user to test the conformance of any biometric server producer (BSP) that claims to be a conforming implementation of that International Standard to ISO/IEC 19784-1 (BioAPI 2.0) ( BIOMETRICS AND PRIVACY The fact that biometric technologies are based on measuring physiological or behavioral and archiving these data has raised concerns on privacy risks, and also raised discussion on the role biometrics play when it comes to privacy. As stated by Nanavati (2002, p. 237), increase in the use of biometric technology in the public sector, workplace and even at home has raised the following questions: What are the main privacy concerns relating to biometric usage? What kinds of biometric deployments need stronger protections to avoid invading privacy? What biometric technologies are more prone to privacy-invasive usage? What kinds of protections are required to ensure biometrics are used in a non privacy-invasive way? Woodward (2003, p. 197) cited President Clintons speech in his commencement address at Morgan State University in 1997: The right to privacy is one of our most cherished freedomsWe must develop new protections for privacy in the face of new technological reality. Recently, Biometrics has been increasingly deployed to improve security and a very important tool to combat terrorism. Privacy issue is central to biometrics and many people believe that deploying biometrics poses a considerable level of risk to human rights, even though some are of the opinion that biometrics actually protect privacy. Human factors influence the success of a biometric-based identification system to a great extent. The ease as well as comfort in interaction with a biometric system contributes to how people accept it. Jain, Ross and Prabhakar (2004 p. 24) stated an example of a biometric system being able to measure the characteristic of a users without touching, such as those using voice, face, or iris, and concluded that it may be perceived to be a more user-friendly and hygienic system by the users. They added that on the other hand, biometric characteristics not requiring user participation or interaction can be recorded without the knowledge of the user, and this is perceived as a threat to human privacy by many individuals. According to Sim (2009, p. 81), biometrics compared to other security technologies has significant impacts on users privacy (Civil Liberties). It can protect privacy when deployed in an appropriate manner; but when misused, it can result in loss of privacy. ADVANTAGES OF BIOMETRIC OVER TRADITIONAL METHODS Password and PINs have been the most frequently used authentication method. Their use involves controlling access to a building or a room, securing access to computers, network, the applications on the personal computers and many more. In some higher security applications, handheld tokens such as key fobs and smart cards have been deployed. Due to some problems related to these methods, the suitability and reliability of these authentication technologies have been questioned especially in this modern world with modern applications. Biometrics offer some benefits compare to these authentication technologies. INCREASED SECURITY Biometric technology can provide a higher degree of security compared to traditional authentication methods. Chirillo (2003 p. 2) stated that biometrics is preferred over traditional methods for many reasons which include the fact that the physical presence of the authorized person is required at the point of identification. This means that only the authorized person has access to the resources. Effort by people to manage several passwords has left many choosing easy or general words, with considerable number writing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics ABSTRACT Organisations have goals and therefore acquire assets to ensure these goals are met and the continuity guaranteed. Financial sector while trying to promote convenient methods such as online banking and use of ATM for their customers to access their money strives to ensure only the right person has access to the account. Also, military and national security services store high sensitive and critical information that must only be accessed by specific individual thereby deploying security measures to keep this tradition. However, achieving these goals largely depends on securing and controlling the assets as documented which means only authorised individuals have access to these environments and eventually the assets. Sequel to the importance of access control, different security techniques have been deployed to safeguard these assets which ranges from PINs and passwords, ID cards, smart card est. Vulnerabilities to these methods have lead to the recent surge in biometrics industry as many believe this is the future. Reasons such that the physical presence of the authorized person is needed at the point of access and also, the fact that it is unique and almost impossible to duplicate emphasis the benefit of biometrics and explain its glooming popularity. However like any other security methods, biometrics has limitations and threats which can impact its effectiveness and efficiency. It is not suitable for every application and can be a very wrong choice for certain applications. Therefore, it is essential to manage these limitations and threats properly to enhance the success factor of biometrics. Finally, it is important for any sector deploying biometrics to understand the various issues associated with biometrics such as privacy, standards and what the law requires of biometrics. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Organizations strive to secure their assets and provide means of controlling access to these assets. This process requires identification and authorization to ensure the right person is accessing the right asset. Over the years, traditional methods of authentication, mainly passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) have been popularly used. Recently, swipe card and PINs have been deployed for more security since one is something you have and the latter something you know. However, these methods still have vulnerabilities as swipe card can be stolen. Also, bad management of passwords has left people writing them on papers and desks or simply choosing easy and general words for quick remembrance which expose the password to intruders. More recently, stronger identification and authorization technologies that can assure a person is who he claims to be are becoming prominent and biometrics can be classified to this category. Biometric technology makes use of a persons physiological or behavioral characteristics in identification. Every human being is unique in nature and possesses physical parts completely different from any other person. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack did not help security concerns as governments and organizations all around the world especially the border security agencies have greatly embraced this human recognition technology. As both private and public entities continue to search for a more reliable identification and authentication methods, biometrics has been the choice and considered the future. WHAT IS BIOMETRICS? Biometrics refers to the automatic identifications of a person based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics (Chirillo and Blaul 2003, p. 2). It is an authorization method that verifies or identifies a user based on what they are before authorizing access. The search for a more reliable authorization method to secure assets has lead to the revelation of biometrics and many organizations have shown interest in the technology. Two main types of biometrics have been used mainly physical and behavioral. A physical biometrics is a part of a persons body while, a behavioral biometric is something that a person does (Lockie 2002, p. 8). He added that although there are some more unusual biometrics which may be used in the future, including a persons unique smell, the shape of their ear or even the way they talk, the main biometrics being measured include fingerprints, hand geometry, retina scan, iris scan, facial location or recognition (all physical), voice recognition, signature, keystroke pattern and gait (Behavioral). However, it has been argued by Liu and Silverman (2001) that different applications require different biometrics as there is no supreme or best biometric technology. HISTORY OF BIOMETRICS According to Chirillo and Blaul (2003, p. 3) the term biometrics is derived from the Greek words bio (life) and metric (to measure). China is among the first known to practice biometrics back in the fourteenth century as reported by the Portuguese historian Joao de Barros. It was called member-printing where the childrens palms as well as the footprints were stamped on paper with ink to identify each baby. Alphonse Bertillon, a Paris based anthropologist and police desk clerk was trying to find a way of identifying convicts in the 1890s decided to research on biometrics. He came up with measuring body lengths and was relevant till it was proved to be prone to error as many people shared the same measurement. The police started using fingerprinting developed based on the Chinese methods used century before by Richard Edward Henry, who was working at the Scotland Yard. Raina, Orlans and Woodward (2003, p. 25-26) stated references to biometrics as a concept could be traced back to over a thousand years in East Asia where potters placed their fingerprints on their wares as an early form of brand identity. They also pointed Egypts Nile Valley where traders were formally identified based on physical characteristics such as eye color, complexion and also height. The information were used by merchant to identify trusted traders whom they had successfully transacted business with in the past. Kapil et al also made references to the Bible, first pointing to the faith Gileadites had in their biometric system as reported in The Book of Judges (12:5-6) that the men of Gilead identified enemy in their midst by making suspected Ephraimites say Shibboleth for they could not pronounce it right. The second reference is to The Book of Genesis (27:11-28) where Jacob pretended to be Esau by putting goat skins on his hands and back of his neck so his skin would feel h airy to his blind, aged fathers touch. This illustrates a case of biometric spoofing and false acceptance. They finally wrote Biometrics as a commercial, modern technology has been around since the early 1970s when the first commercially available device was brought to market (p. 26). HOW BIOMETRICS SYSTEMS WORK A biometric system is essentially a pattern-recognition system that makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user (Blaul 2003, p.3). Biometrics has so far been developed to work in two ways mainly verification and identification. Verification systems are designed to give answer to the question, Am I who I claim to be? by requiring that a user claim an identity in order for a biometric comparison to be performed. The user provides data, which is then compared to his or her enrolled biometric data. Identification systems gives answer to the question, who am I? and do not require a user to claim an identity as the provided biometric data is compared to data from a number of users to find a match (Nanavati 2002, p. 12). An illustration of a scenario using an identifying biometrics system is given below and thus gives an answer to the question Who am I? In October 1998 in the United Kingdom, Newham Council introduced face recognition software to 12 town centre cameras with the sole purpose of decreasing street robbery. Images are compared against a police database of over 100 convicted street robbers known to be active in the previous 12 weeks. In August 2001, 527,000 separate faces were detected and operators confirmed 90 matches against the database. Where a face is not identified with any in the database, the image is deleted; if a match is found a human operator checks the result. The introduction of face recognition technology to Newham city centre saw a 34% decrease in street robbery. The system has not led directly to any arrests, which suggests that its effect is largely due to the deterrence/displacement of crime. The face recognition system has been widely publicised by the council and 93% of residents support its introduction (Postnote Nov 2001, p. 1). The case study below illustrates a verifying biometrics system and supply answers to the question Am I who I claim to be? The US Immigration and Naturalization Service Passenger Accelerated Service System (INSPASS) has been introduced at eight airports in order to provide a quick immigration processing for authorised frequent flyers entering the US and Canada. On arrival at an airport, a traveller inserts a card that carries a record of their hand geometry into the INSPASS kiosk and places their hand on a biometric reader. A computer cross-references the information stored on the card at registration with the live hand geometry scan. The complete process takes less than 30 seconds. If the scans match, the traveller can proceed to customs; if not, travellers are referred to an Immigration Inspector. There are more than 45,000 active INSPASS users with, on average, 20,000 automated immigration inspections conducted each month (Postnote Nov 2001, p. 1). Verifying system is often referred to as a one-to-one process and generally takes less processing time compared to the identifying systems. This is due to the fact that in identifying systems, a user is compared to all users in the database (one-to-many). Verifying systems are also more accurate since they only have to match a users data against his or her stored data and do not need hundreds, thousands or even millions of comparisons like the identifying systems. However, it is important for an organization to decide the type appropriate for the applications. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology designed for this dissertation is mainly the qualitative approach. A quantitative approach has been overlooked due to limited time as designing surveys, distribution take time and response time could not be predicted. Therefore, my effort will be concentrated on critically reviewing previous literatures in order to acquire an overview of, and intakes on the topic. For more details, Journals, Books, Publications, Documentaries and previous dissertations related to the topic will be reviewed, compared and analyzed. The objectives will be achieved by purely reviewing literatures and previous researches and the literatures critically analyzed by comparing information obtained from different sources. Findings, recommendations and conclusions will be made from the analysis. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The aim of this research is to critically analyse biometric security as an emerging and booming industry by examining the positives and negatives and providing ways of improving the method effectively and most importantly efficiently. Since biometrics applies to many applications, access control will be the main focus of this dessertation. Also, issues such as privacy, laws governing biometrics and standards will be examined. The main objectives of this research are; To review biometric security and issues related to it. To evaluate the threats, advantages and disadvantages of biometrics. To propose ways of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of biometrics from previous researches. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is aimed at critically reviewing and analysis of numerous works of researchers in the area of biometrics, threats to biometrics, advantages and disadvantages and ways of improving biometrics efficiency in access control. The effect of privacy (human rights) and the need to conform to biometrics standards will also be examined and reviewed. DEFINITION OF BIOMETRICS According to Jain, Ross and Pankanti (2006, p. 125), one great concern in our vastly interconnected society is establishing identity. Systems need to know Is he who he claims he is, Is she authorized to use this resource? or simply who is this? Therefore, a wide range of systems require reliable personal recognition schemes to either verify or identify of an individual seeking access to their services. The purpose of that scheme is to ensure that the rendered services are accessed by only the authorized and not any intruder or imposer (Ross 2004, p. 1). Biometric recognition, or simply biometrics, refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological and, or behavioral characteristics (Jain, 2004 p. 1). Woodward (2003, p. 27) cited biometric industry guru Ben Millers 1987 biometric definition: Biometric technologies are automated methods of verifying or recognizing the identity of a living person based on a physical or behavioral characteristic. Shoniregun and Crosier (2008, p. 10) provided several definitions of biometrics which include: Biometrics is the development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological science. Biometrics = identification/verification of persons based on the unique physiological or behavioral features of humans. Biometrics is the measurement and matching of biological characteristics such as fingerprint images, hand geometry, facial recognition, etc. Biometrics is strongly linked to a stored identity to the physical person. Nevertheless the various definitions, it can be seen that the science of biometrics is based on the fact that no two people are the same and this has a significant influence on its reliability and success factor. THE BIOMETRICS INDUSTRY According to Lockie (2002, p. 10), the biometric industry did not really get established until the middle of the twentieth century. The researchers at that particular time were investigating whether various human parts and characteristics, such as the iris or the voice, could be used to identify an individual. This was made public by publishing papers and as a considerable number of these strands of research began to form a piece, the biometrics industry as we know it these days was established. As organization search for more secure authentication methods for user access, e-commerce, and other security applications, biometrics is gaining increasing attention (Liu 2001, p.27). Higgins, Orlan and Woodward (2003, p. xxiii ), emphasized that even though biometrics have not become an essential part of all systems requiring controlled access, the emerging industry has come a long way from its modern founding in 1972 with the installation of a commercial finger measurement device on Wall Street. He made reference to the highly respected MIT Technology Review called biometrics one of the top ten emerging technologies that will change the world. The growth in biometric industries is reflected in the numbers. The trio cited Rick Noton, the executive director of the International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA), who reported in the Biometrics 2002 Conference in London, United Kingdom, that the industrys trade association has indicated the surge in biometric revenues over recent years. From $20 million in 1996, it has increased to $200 million in 2001 and Norton believes they will increase as the years pass on significantly in 5 years time. Also, a forecast made by the International Biometric Group (IBG), which is a biometric consulting and integration firm located in New York City, estimate that biometric revenues totaled $399 million in 2000 and will increase to $1.9 billion by 2005. Both IBIA and IBG believe that the private sector will be responsible for much of the growth. These give evidence of the relevance of biometrics in organizations in modern times. BIOMETRICS AND ACCESS CONTROL Over the years, biometrics has evolved rapidly and many vertical markets such as governments, transport, financial sectors, security, public justice and safety, healthcare and many more have adopted biometrics. Due to this wide range of users, biometrics has been deployed to many applications. Biometrics has been of high benefit to organization as they seek a reliable security method to safeguard assets. Fully understanding how biometrics work, it can be said that the ultimate aim of applying biometrics in the vertical markets listed above is to control access to a resource irrespective of the system used whether a verifying or an identifying process It has been stated by S. Nanavati, Thieme and R. Nanavati (2002, p. 14), that biometric systems are deployed for two primary purposes which are physical and logical access. LOGICAL VERSUS PHYSICAL ACCESS Physical access systems monitors, restricts, or grant movement of a person or object into or out of a specific area (Thieme 2002, p. 14). This could be implemented to control entry into rooms or even the main building. Popular examples are control towers, bank vaults, server rooms and many other sensitive rooms requiring controlled access. In physical access, biometrics replaces the use of keys, PIN codes access cards and security guards although any of these could be combined with biometrics as a complementation. Common physical access application is time and attendance. Thieme also gave a definition of logical access systems as one that monitor, restrict or grant access to data or information listing examples such as logging into a PC, accessing data stored on a network, accessing an account, or authenticating a transaction. In this case, biometrics replaces and can be designed to complement PINs, passwords and also tokens. Basic biometric functionality precisely acquiring and comparing of biometric data is often identical in both physical and logical systems. For example, the same iris scan data can be used for both doorway and desktop applications. Thieme explained that the only difference between the two is the external system into which the biometric functionality is integrated. The biometric functionality is integrated into a larger system. This applies for both physical and logical access system and actions such as access to any desktop application or access to a room via a doorway are effected by a biometric match. However, not every system can be classified as physical or logical access as the end result does not indicate access to data or a physical location and the result therefore may be to investigate more. An ATM secured by biometrics allows access to money, a physical entity. This is made possible by allowing the user logical access to his or her data. In the example above, the application is even difficult to classify as either physical or logical. Thieme (2002, p. 15) suggested that the distinction between physical and logical access systems is a valuable tool in understanding biometric. He noted that key criteria such accuracy, fallback procedures, privacy requirements, costs, response time and complexity of integration all vary effectively when moving from logical to physical access. WHAT ARE BIOMETRIC STANDARDS Stapleton (2003, p. 167) defined a standard in a general term as a published document, developed by a recognized authority, which defines a set of policies and practices, technical or security requirements, techniques or mechanisms, or describes some other abstract concept or model. The growth of the biometric industry has been relatively slowed by the absence of industry wide standards and this has also impeded various types of biometric deployment. Nanavati (2002, p. 277) stated that the relative youth of the technology in use, coupled with the disunified nature of the industry, has impacted the developments of standards resulting in a sporadic and frequently redundant standards. Nanavati also noted that the live-scan fingerprint imaging is the only segment of biometric industry with widely accepted and adopted standards. Due to this absence of biometric standards, some institutions have been concerned of being tied into technologies they actually believed as not mature or even dev elopmental. However in an effort to actively address the standards issue, the biometric industry has finalized some blueprints and the process of getting industries to accept these standards is ongoing WHY IS STANDARDIZATION NECESSARY? The high rate of biometric development and rapid growth in adoption of biometric technologies in recent years has resulted in ever-increasing levels of what is expected in terms of accuracy, adaptability, and reliability in an ever-wider range of applications. Due to the adoption of biometric technologies in large-scale national and international applications, involving a potentially unlimited range of stakeholders, Farzin Deravi (2008, p. 483) stated that it has become essential to address these expectations by ensuring agreed common frameworks for implementation and evaluation of biometric technologies through standardization activities. Majority of biometric systems, including both the hardware and software are made and sold by the owner of the patent at this stage in their development. They are being proprietary in numerous aspects including the manner in which biometric devices and systems as a whole communicate with applications, the method of extracting features from a biometric sample, and among many more, the method of storing and retrieving biometric data. This resulted in many companies in most cases, being wedded to a particular technology, once they agree to implement that particular technology. Nanavati (2002, p. 278) stated that in order to incorporate a new technology, the companies are required to rebuild their system from scratch upward, and in some cases duplicating much of the deployment effort. Deravi (2008 p. 483) noted that the need for interoperability of biometric systems across national boundaries has implied a rapid escalation of standardization efforts to the international arena, stating that the sense of urgency for the need for standardization has been the priority of internal security concerns. The industry wide or universal adoption of biometric standard will not make biometric technology interoperable at least, to the state where an old device can be replaced by a new device without rebuilding the system. However, Nanavati (2002 p. 278) argued the core algorithms through which vendors locate and extract biometric data are very unlikely to be interoperable or standardized, the reason being that these algorithms represents the basis of most vendors intellectual property. Numerous reasons are responsible for the motivation towards standardization. These include the desire for reducing the overall cost of deploying biometrics technologies and optimize the reliability of biometric systems, to reduce the risk of deploying solutions to biometric problems, to ensure in the area of encryption and file format, that the basic building blocks of biometric data management have been developed based on best practice by industry professionals. Nanavati (2002 p. 278) concluded that standards ensure that, in the future, biometric technology will be developed and deployed in accordance with generally accepted principles of information technology. EXISTING BIOMETRIC STANDARDS Shoniregun and Crosier (2008 p. 22) stated that the evolving interest and developments have made developments of standards a necessity with the sole aim of allowing compatibility of different systems. The detailed standards in the Biometrics Resource Centre (2002) report are summarised below: Common Biometric Exchange File Format (CBEFF): The Common Biometric Exchange File Format (CBEFF) sets a standard for the data elements essential in supporting biometric technology in a common way irrespective of the application involved or the domain in use. It makes data interchange between systems and their components easier, while promoting interoperability applications, programs as well as systems based on biometrics. INCITS MI-Biometrics Technical Committee: The committee which was established by the Executive Board of the International Committee for Information Technology standards (INCITS) with the responsibility to ensure a focused and reasonably comprehensive approach in the United States for the rapid development and approval of previous national and international generic biometric standards (Shoniregun ad Crosier 2008, p. 22) BioAPI Specification (Version 1.1): The BioAPI standard defines the architecture for biometric systems integration in a single computer system. (Deravi 2008, p. 490). The Bio API specification has been one of the most popular standards efforts since it was formed in April 1998 according to Nanavati (2002, p. 279). Nnavati stated that the standard was formed to develop an API that is both widely accepted and widely available while being compatible with various biometric technologies. Other general standards available are Human Recognition Module (HRS), ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000, American Association for Motor Vehicle Administration and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which specifies the acceptable security requirements necessary for effective management of biometric data especially for the financial services industry. BRITISH BIOMETRICS STANDARDS The British Standards Institution (BSI) commenced work in June 2004 on biometrics standards and since then, has published according to Shoniregun and Crosier (2008, p. 24) a set of four new BS ISO/IEC 19794 STANDARDS, reported to have covered the science of biometrics, and using biological characteristics in identifying individuals. The objective of publishing these standards is to promote interoperability between the several products in the market. BS ISO/IEC 19784-2:2007: This standard defines the interface to an archive Biometric Function Provider (BFP). The interface assumes that the collected biometrics data will be managed as a database, irrespective of its physical realization. Crosier (2008, p. 24) defined the physical realization as smartcards, token, memory sticks, files on hard drives and any other kind of memory can be handled via an abstraction layer presenting a database interface.) BS ISO/IEC 19795-2:2006: According to Shoniregun (2008, p. 25), this standard provides recommendations and requirements on collection of data, analysis as well as reporting specific to two types of evaluation (scenario evaluation and technology evaluation). BS ISO/IEC 19795-2:2006 further specifies the requirements in the development and full description of protocols for scenario and technology evaluations and also, in executing and reporting biometric evaluations. BS ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007: ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007 specifies the concepts, framework, test methods and criteria required to test conformity of biometric products claiming conformance to BioAPI (ISO/IEC 19784-1). ( Crosier (2008, p. 25) stated ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007 specifies three conformance testing models which allows conformance testing of each of the BioAPI components mainly a framework, an application and a BSP. BS ISO/IEC 24709-2:2007: The standard BS ISO/IEC 247 defines a number of test assertions composed in the assertion language explicitly required in ISO/IEC 24709-1. The assertions allow a user to test the conformance of any biometric server producer (BSP) that claims to be a conforming implementation of that International Standard to ISO/IEC 19784-1 (BioAPI 2.0) ( BIOMETRICS AND PRIVACY The fact that biometric technologies are based on measuring physiological or behavioral and archiving these data has raised concerns on privacy risks, and also raised discussion on the role biometrics play when it comes to privacy. As stated by Nanavati (2002, p. 237), increase in the use of biometric technology in the public sector, workplace and even at home has raised the following questions: What are the main privacy concerns relating to biometric usage? What kinds of biometric deployments need stronger protections to avoid invading privacy? What biometric technologies are more prone to privacy-invasive usage? What kinds of protections are required to ensure biometrics are used in a non privacy-invasive way? Woodward (2003, p. 197) cited President Clintons speech in his commencement address at Morgan State University in 1997: The right to privacy is one of our most cherished freedomsWe must develop new protections for privacy in the face of new technological reality. Recently, Biometrics has been increasingly deployed to improve security and a very important tool to combat terrorism. Privacy issue is central to biometrics and many people believe that deploying biometrics poses a considerable level of risk to human rights, even though some are of the opinion that biometrics actually protect privacy. Human factors influence the success of a biometric-based identification system to a great extent. The ease as well as comfort in interaction with a biometric system contributes to how people accept it. Jain, Ross and Prabhakar (2004 p. 24) stated an example of a biometric system being able to measure the characteristic of a users without touching, such as those using voice, face, or iris, and concluded that it may be perceived to be a more user-friendly and hygienic system by the users. They added that on the other hand, biometric characteristics not requiring user participation or interaction can be recorded without the knowledge of the user, and this is perceived as a threat to human privacy by many individuals. According to Sim (2009, p. 81), biometrics compared to other security technologies has significant impacts on users privacy (Civil Liberties). It can protect privacy when deployed in an appropriate manner; but when misused, it can result in loss of privacy. ADVANTAGES OF BIOMETRIC OVER TRADITIONAL METHODS Password and PINs have been the most frequently used authentication method. Their use involves controlling access to a building or a room, securing access to computers, network, the applications on the personal computers and many more. In some higher security applications, handheld tokens such as key fobs and smart cards have been deployed. Due to some problems related to these methods, the suitability and reliability of these authentication technologies have been questioned especially in this modern world with modern applications. Biometrics offer some benefits compare to these authentication technologies. INCREASED SECURITY Biometric technology can provide a higher degree of security compared to traditional authentication methods. Chirillo (2003 p. 2) stated that biometrics is preferred over traditional methods for many reasons which include the fact that the physical presence of the authorized person is required at the point of identification. This means that only the authorized person has access to the resources. Effort by people to manage several passwords has left many choosing easy or general words, with considerable number writing the